von Meike | Okt 23, 2023 | Company Culture
When motivated people reach their limits. How to prevent Burnout and dismissals. Expectations for employees are rising. Managers are expected to manage uncertainty and turbulence, deliver great results, engage and motivate their teams, have everything under control,...
von Meike | Sep 22, 2023 | Company Culture
When are we going to start training leaders on how to build an inspiring work culture before we unleash them into the world? It would be a great relief for the employees and also for their superiors. More and more people do not want to take on leadership positions...
von Meike | Jul 31, 2023 | Company Culture
Companies that manage to make their employees responsible at all levels are unstoppable. How does it go? We all love to meet a service mentality when we do business. We love companies that are fast and reliable in sales, and especially are helpful when things do not...
von Meike | Jun 25, 2023 | Company Culture
Der Entschluss zu kündigen hat gute Gründe. Abschieds-E-Mails vertuschen oft die Realität. Obwohl die Kündigung es die beste Gelegenheit ist, unschöne Dinge beim Namen zu nennen. «Nach drei spannenden Jahren geht meine Zeit bei xy Ende der Woche zu Ende. Ich habe...
von Meike | Jun 2, 2023 | Work, Self-Empowerment
Manche Leute machen sprachlos. Sie sind unhöflich, verbreiten schlechte Laune oder treiben fiese Machtspielchen. Verhalten sich Kollegen beleidigend, macht es uns sprachlos, wütend oder Angst. Die meisten nehmen so ein Verhalten persönlich. Warum aber agieren wir bei...