When are we going to start training leaders on how to build an inspiring work culture before we unleash them into the world? It would be a great relief for the employees and also for their superiors.
More and more people do not want to take on leadership positions because they (rightly) have great respect for this task. This is understandable but also a pity, because leadership can be fun and doesn’t have to be too demanding – provided that you know how to do it. Leadership can also be extremely demanding and pushes many people to the limits of their capabilities!
Being able to lead people well is an art that is not easy to master.
Leading well means,
- getting people to want to do their best
- to achieve maximum productivity for companies
Sounds easy? To balance this well is a demanding task! To be able to lead successfully, you have to know what drives people in order to ultimately increase their productivity. Few people are born leaders. Most leaders learn how to lead by doing it – but this is a risky approach, because team members do not forget easily. Most people are not natural leaders and often become a barrier to others. This is not only a burden for others, but they often end up being very unhappy themselves.
Leaders need to know how people ‚function‘ on the job, what drives them, and what holds them back. The biggest trap is to think that others ‚function‘ similarly to you!
I recommend aspiring leaders to actually learn how to lead – especially when they first get into a leadership position. If you are about to start your journey as a team leader, this will make your team, your boss, and yourself happy! Start to learn what drives you first, then learn how to lead others.
Ich dachte lange gute Führung wäre ein Geschenk mit dem wir geboren würden. Weit gefehlt. Ich musste lernen wie die Werkzeuge einer langfristigen wirklich guten Führung tatsächlich funktionieren. Parameter wie Vertrauen, Spass bei der gemeinsamen Arbeit und mitunter schwierigen Aufgaben und Phasen schmieden zusammen. Beurteilungen von Mitarbeitern und Gehaltsverhandlungen sind hierbei die kleinsten Notwendigkeiten.
Zusammengefasst ist es eine Riesen Aufgabe diese Anforderungen zu erfüllen. Leider fehlt in der Praxis häufig ein wirklicher Wille seitens der Unternehmen alle Beteiligten darin gut zu unterstützen.